CRE / CAE Exam Preparation Courses
In response to the expressed need from the respiratory healthcare community in Canada for a comprehensive Certified Respiratory Educator (CRE) / Certified Asthma Educator (CAE) exam preparation course, RESPTREC® created these online courses to join the suite of courses offered by RESPTREC®.
The RESPTREC® CRE / CAE Exam Preparation courses are designed to support RESPTREC® alumni as they prepare for the Canadian Network for Respiratory Care (CNRC) certification exams.
Through a mix of knowledge, application and critical thinking questions, students of the courses will embark on a review of RESPTREC® course competencies and content in Asthma, and Education for Chronic Disease Management. Students in the CRE Preparation Course will review additional COPD content.
RESPTREC® course competencies are congruent with those published by CNRC, however, students are encouraged to review the following CNRC educator competency documents in addition to RESPTREC® course competencies as they prepare for the certification exam:
- CRE: National Learning Objectives for Respiratory Educators
- CAE: National Learning Objectives for Asthma Educators
Exam candidates are encouraged to visit the CNRC website for information regarding eligibility requirements to challenge the CRE exam, and for examination details (exam dates and times, fees, and locations).